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Create solid-colour image placeholders to show before an image loads

A fairly common pattern I use in my web pages is to have a solid colour placeholder that shows where the image will appear, and which is replaced by the image when it loads.

I like this because it avoids weird gaps in the web page before the image loads, and is minimally intrusive. (As opposed to low-resolution versions of the image, which I find slightly jarring.)

Here’s a recent example from the Commons Explorer, which shows how the page looks before and after an image loads:

Screenshot of two images side-by-side. On the left, the area where the image should be is a large purple region. On the right, the image has loaded and there's a black-and-white of a man on a windswept mountain with several dogs.

This is the HTML and CSS I use to achieve this effect:

<div class="thumbnail_wrapper">
  <img src="…">
--width:  ;
--height: ;
--color:  ;

.thumbnail_wrapper {
  aspect-ratio: var(--width) / var(--height);
  background:   var(--color);

.thumbnail_wrapper img {
  width: 100%;
  display: block;

The thumbnail_wrapper div is set to the right size with the aspect-ratio property, and then I add the solid colour background.

The img is set to fill the container div, and display: block is to avoid any space between the bottom of the image and the bottom of the div – by default, an img element is display: inline, which adds a small gap as part of the line height.